“In her the world found a unique figure in its history, who combined in herself the roles of a perfect wife, nun, mother and teacher at the same time. In the endless procession of the members of the human species on this planet of ours, the Holy Mother stands out as a unique example, whose utter innocence could melt even the hardest of hearts, who never looked at the fault of others, whose love never made any distinction between the deserving and the undeserving, in whose eyes the saint and the sinner were alike her precious children, whose wide heart held all humanity in its maternal embrace, and who considered it a privilege to labor and to suffer for even the least of them. If we cannot see here the face of the all-loving Universal Mother, of God the Redeemer, where else can we? Only we should have the sensitiveness to recognize that the subtle potency of love transcends the obtrusive display of power.”
- From Sarada Devi A Life Sketch
To Her whose life-story is purifying,
To Her whose life breathes purity,
To Her who is verily purity embodied,
To Her our repeated salutations.
- Swami Abhedananda
Sarada Devi with Sister Nivedita
" Why did I not understand that it was quite enough to be a little child at your dear feet? Dear Mother! You are full of love! "
- Sister Nivedita on Sarada Devi
"Holy Mother was an unusual awakener of souls. With her disciples she served as teacher, dissolving their doubts, as mother, who through love and compassion won their hearts, and as the Divinity, who assured them of liberation. Herself nearly illiterate, through simple words she taught them the most profound truths. Her affectionate maternal love tamed their rebellious spirits; but her great power lay in her solicitude for all. Often she said, "I am the Mother, who will look after them if not I ?" She encouraged them when they were depressed because of slow spiritual progress, and she took upon herself their sins and iniquities, suffering on that account.
- Swami Nikhilananda
from: Holy Mother and the Ideal of Indian Womanhood."
Once Vivekananda's physical mother went to the Belur Math with one of her woman friends. She showed her friend the newly constructed buildings and the beautiful surroundings and remarked, "My Naren has done all this." Sarada Devi and Naren also happened to be near by. Vivekananda in no time corrected his mother, saying, "Not your Naren," and pointing to Sarada Devi, "but hers. Your Naren is by no means capable of such achievements."
(from Two Mothers and A Son by Sri Chinmoy)
- Sarada Devi
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